New Radicalisms

Hannan Jones

Hannan Jones (b. Perth/Boorloo on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja, Western Australia) is an artist of Algerian and Welsh origin. Working in sound, installation, performance and moving image, Hannan adopts a research-based practice that responds to cultural and social migration by engaging language, rhythm, and origin. Hybridity, world building, and psycho-geography are current core concepts in her work.

Beginnings are commonly found within the sonic sphere, through sampling techniques, electronics, music concrete, and analogue recordings. Using samples and layers of audio materials to create alternate possibilities, reclaim parallel histories, and reimagine connections as a starting point. Her interdisciplinary approach allows for creating projects that expand our perspectives and reflect ourselves in our surroundings; to find moments of 'togetherness,' if only temporary.

Performance: Re/tell Atlas
Saturday 02/07 - 21.30 - 22.30
Location Garage

  • Artist
  • Performance program
  • Saturday